Friday 6 May 2011

Please read and learn what I learned from our DEAREST GOD

I’m very grateful cause my prayers were answered. I realize that sometimes we just have to wait for God to grant our prayers. We just need to believe in Him. Lately I felt there’s something new inside me. Then I just realize this must be the answer to my prayers. This is the thing I longed for and prayed for. 


I just woke up one day....

I’m a little confident now than my previous years of existence. 
I was now able to communicate.

I was now able to defend myself.

I was now able to say NO if necessary.

I also learned to be happy for other’s achievements and stop pitying myself for not having to do the same.

I  learned to remove envy in my heart little by little. I just think that I also have something that they don’t have.

I learned to accept my fault and stand corrected rather pitying myself for not acquiring such knowledge.

I learned that I need to see good things rather than finding faults.

I learned that I might as well should know how to return favors to people who do LITTLE good things to me not just those who help me BIG.

I learned to share my knowledge but just the basic. I should give them a chance to explore so that they would be grateful of their hard work not of my teachings.

I learned NOT to boast my charity works. If they rewarded me a “thanks” or a “title as great donors of all time”. God may think that He no longer need to reward me for my goodness.

I got inspired. I got lot’s of ideas that needs implementation.

I learned how to set priorities. When I came up with idea but could not implement it at the same time I noted it down.

I learned to be happy and satisfied with what I have when I wish for the better I’ll do my best to get it but while waiting for that wish to come true. Be satisfied.

I always remember that are lots of things to smile about and be thankful about.

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